Monday, February 6, 2012

My Cricket Bat:

I was a cricket lover in my childhood. Even my friends, my father, brothers, and uncles were good at cricket.  Cricket was played in the house, outside the house, and everywhere possible. Watching cricket matches on TV was my favourite past time.

As I started playing the game at my school, my uncle gave me a brand new ‘BDM’ cricket bat. It was a very popular and expensive brand then: very lightweight and easy to carry. My friends liked it a lot, and it became famous on my school team. Every time we won a match, my friends used to give credit only to my bat. We pampered it a lot and had good time with it!!
One of my friends, who is a doctor today, was the biggest fan of my bat. He was a very good batsman and always opened for our team. One day, he scored around 50 runs for our team playing with my bat. We were all so excited that, when we won the match, we lifted him, and he in turn lifted the bat and waved it around. 

At that moment, we realized that we were all together and bound because of that special bat. It had become an asset for all my friends.
One day while playing a match, unknowingly, the bat broke into two pieces. We all were shocked to see the broken bat.  It really touched our hearts, and many of us could not control our feelings. We did not even realize that our relationship with it was over: after a long two years of attachment. It was a very emotional moment for all of us.
We tried hard to fix the broken piece but of no use.

To ease our little minds, my uncle bought another new bat for me. We played some matches and won a few. But we missed all the magic moments and could never enjoy cricket again, as we did in our school days. I became a little detached with cricket for some time.
I played cricket for my college team, and for private teams, but the excitement was never the same.

I want to go back to my school days, and get that Star Bat to enjoy cricket again!!

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